Mensa AG 2018

Should You Be Afraid of X-Ray Radiation from Medical Imaging? (Room JW Grand Ballroom 1)

08 Jul 18
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Mervyn Cohen
This session unravels the mysteries of medical imaging. What dangers exist from X-ray radiation from a medical imaging test? Can this radiation cause cancer? Your grandchild is scheduled for a CT scan; should you be concerned? Your dentist does annual X-rays of your teeth; should you refuse them? Rontgen captured an X-ray image of his wife’s finger over 100 years ago. The historical development of the complications and dangers from imaging radiation is filled with surprises, including initial perceptions that this was only a safe photographic novelty and Victorian society’s horror that their bodies beneath their clothes could be seen by others. We review the scientific evidence and discuss how the media has been influenced to present their stories about the cancer risks from medical imaging radiation. A balanced conclusion will help you and your family members decide whether or not to have an imaging study that uses X-ray radiation.