2019 RFID Journal LIVE!

Award Finalists Session: Best New Product, Group 2 (Room North 121 C)

This award will be given to the company that exhibits the best new RFID product or service at RFID Journal LIVE! 2019. An independent panel of judges has selected 10 finalists, which have been divided into two groups. Each finalist will speak for a few minutes about its product.

Finalists for Best New Product (Group 2):

•             PervasID's Multi-Ranger overhead reader system

•             RF Controls' CS-445B passive RTLS antenna

•             Seeonic's XTAG for enabling RFID, NFC and IoT cross-compatibility

•             Technologies ROI's Phoenix 550c high-heat tag

•             Zebra Technologies' MC3300R Series integrated UHF RFID handhelds