NASS 2018 Annual Meeting

Section on Biologics and Basic Research: Injectable Biologic Therapies for Intervertebral Disc (Room 404AB)

Moderators: W. Mark Erwin, DC, PhD, Zorica Buser, PhD


Stem cell and PRP injections for degenerative disc disease have gained popularity in the last years. Although they are being increasingly used, there is very limited supporting basic science and clinical evidence. The goal of this symposium is to rigorously evaluate the current evidence, discuss the costs and FDA regulatory hurdles. In addition, faculty will summarize the mechanisms by which stem cells or other injectable materials could contribute to the biological treatment of disc degeneration. Identification of the best candidates for such treatments will be discussed during the symposium. Assembled faculty are surgeons and researchers, the experts in the field of intervertebral disc regeneration.


Upon completion of this session, participants should gain strategies to:

  • Identify the basic science of injectable agents for the treatment of DDD: stem cells, protein and PRP injections, other
  • Analyze the current clinical evidence, strengths and weaknesses
  • Select the right patients and how we identify them
  • Explain the down side and how we measure success (lack of objective analytics)
  • Recognize the current costs and FDA regulatory hurdles



State-of-the-Art of LBP and DDD
Dino Samartzis, PhD, DSc


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Injectable Agents for Treatment of DDD
Bjorn Meij, DVM, PhD


What is Truth and What is Fiction: Current Evidence for Stem Cell Injections
Jeffrey Lotz, PhD


“Discogenic” Pain, Steroids, PRP: Are They the Greatest – or Just the Best We’ve Got?
Howard An, MD


Who Are the Right Patients and Why: What About Costs?
James Kang, MD


Panel Discussion/Q&A