HR Tech 2018

PS5 | Don't Need Change Management for HCM Cloud Adoption? Think Again. (Room Marcello 4502)

Research shows that 70% of change programs do not realize their goals, largely due to employee resistance and lack of support. And the odds are, you know this firsthand. Companies mistakenly assume that simply acquiring cloud software and plugging it in will redefine HR and bring new value to the business. What’s missing is an organizational game plan, a change management strategy designed to exploit the cloud’s game-changing capabilities by integrating the technology with people capabilities. In this session you will explore the change management components and benefits of HR technology optimization and how you can make it happen. You’ll learn how to develop a savvy employee-first strategy designed to position HR leadership as strategic change agents who help empower the field and management with workforce tools that your business can adapt and maneuver through future change.