ErgoExpo 2018

HE3 | Ergonomics’ Role in a Total Worker Health Approach to Employee Health, Safety and Wellness (Room Champagne 2)

22 Aug 18
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

Tracks: Healthcare Ergonomics, Aging and Wellness, Wellness/Healthcare/Lab Ergonomics

MSDs are one of the leading causes of lost workday injury and illness across industries, costing organizations $20 billion in workers’ comp costs and more than $600 billion in healthcare and lost productivity. Addressing this, along with the harmful impact of increased opioid use, through traditional safety initiatives or wellness programs has had limited impact. It’s not about workers’ comp and it’s not about wellness. Examine the organization from a more holistic approach while learning how bringing together all parties involved can positively affect employee outcomes with increased health, productivity and morale, while also lowering costs, reducing injuries and eliminating medication use.