2018 NSC Congress & Expo

97 - Using Safety Observation Data to Address Serious Injuries and Fatalities "HOT TOPIC" (Room 382A)

Worker fatality rates increased in 2014 and 2015, and again in 2016 – while recordable rates have been steadily decreasing for many years. Companies are addressing injury frequency but not severity. It’s time to consider a shift in how potential for serious injuries and fatalities is addressed in an impactful way. During this session, we’ll discuss a new essential verification and validation process for working conditions. When properly designed and deployed, this process – based on the principle that more rules will not make workers safe – will positively impact the complexity around SIFs. It’s impossible to find and track all the things that can fail, and as safety professionals we shouldn’t manage accidents, but we can manage controls. Join us as we explore methods to address and overcome these barriers to improvement.