2017 Face & Body Northern California

SMART Sales …. It’s More Than Just Your Hands (Room Level 1 Ballroom)

28 Aug 17
9:00 AM - 9:40 AM
Beauty pros must get beyond, “its all bout their hands.” Surviving in today’s economic climate has never been harder or more expensive for beauty biz owners. Yet those working behind the chair are struggling; selling themselves, their services and their products. Carol knows how to make the cash register ring from the front of the house to inside the treatment room. The techniques Carol will share on main stage are a few of the same ones she used when turning around a single location dayspa with 30+ negative yelps reviews to over 400 4/5 star reviews, doubled retail and boosted service 30% in less than 18 months. One multi-million dollar resort spa took retail from 14% to over 29% within 30 days of putting Carol’s information to work. One salon owner boosted $180,000 in retail and $70,000 in upgrades over a 6-month period by implementing Carol’s professional tune up tasks. Wither your spa, salon or solopreneurs beauty suite needs a turn-around or tune-up, you can’t afford to miss Carol’s keynote presentation