FETC 2018

Artificial Intelligence in K12: Making These Machines Work for Students (Room South 330CD)

25 Jan 18
1:00 PM - 1:40 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Educator

There's no doubt when today's students enter the workforce they'll be working with AI's in their homes, workplaces, and in their personal devices. Professionals, government agencies, et. al., now work with serious artificial intelligence support. It will be the wave of job replacement or job security for those with expertise and the global impact varies by country in this very competitive space. Prepare learners for their coming world. Explore Amazon (Alexa), Google Home Companion, and others and explore how they'd support student work. Build meaningful uses for them in the curriculum, investigate their use as a teacher tool, and learn about FRPA, COPPA concerns. Learn how students can learn to program Alexa with skill sets. From Watson to Google, world-changing machines are coming. Get kids onboard.