FDIC 2019

Responding to Small Box Store Fires (Room 125-126)

10 Apr 19
10:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Tracks: Strategy and Tactics

The focus is on how to prepare for and respond to fires in box stores up to about 25,000 square feet with an emphasis on volunteer, combination, and smaller all-career departments. This type of a response is a low-frequency/high-risk event for most smaller departments and, as such, represents significant operational and member risk. Preincident topics include Recognition Primed Decision-Making and the need for an effective training program, creating effective prefire surveys, effective mutual-aid response, apparatus and hoseload setup, and training for commercial building fire operations. Operational topics include fire behavior in an open-floor plan structure, initial apparatus positioning considerations, size-up, flow requirements and initial line selection, forcible entry challenges, water supply, managing concealed spaces, rapid intervention, and ventilation. Fire attack focuses on delivering maximum water with minimum personnel.