2016 Global Identity Summit

Internet of Things: Future Requirements (Room Tampa Convention Center:Room 18-19)

21 Sep 16
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Tracks: : Technology & Enablers, : Technology & Enablers, : Technology & Enablers

When we think of 'identity' our minds immediately turn to persons - and we have developed a variety of mechanisms (some more secure than others) to authenticate humans on the Web. However, in the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) a need exists to authenticate devices and things as well. How we do that will be critical to the privacy and security of the IoT. Recent hacks of IoT devices, from baby monitors to cars, make clear that there is a need for a consistent authentication and authorization model for the IoT. This session will investigate the methods, technologies, standards and their implementation within this interesting area of identity. Expected outcome: Summary of IoT authentication technologies/methods, statement of needs, and use cases.