2017 I/ITSEC - 8250

Increased System Fidelity for Navy Aviation Hypoxia Training (Room S320C)

In 2009, the Naval Aviation Survival Training Program (NASTP) Trainer Management Team (TMT) identified a need for a next-generation normobaric mask-on hypoxia trainer with enhanced capabilities due to the lack of positive air pressure provided by existing capabilities. The lack of a positive pressure-on-demand airflow delivery for current mask-on hypoxia training has been cited as a potential training gap wherein 44% of students experience air hunger (Artino, Folga, & Vacchiano, 2009). As a result, it is unclear whether students are able to recognize more subtle symptoms of hypoxia or if they are masked by air hunger. To address this, researchers have investigated an innovative technology solution to deliver representative pressure-on-demand flow rates, thereby increasing training fidelity by replicating the air delivery method of aircraft systems. This research also provided an opportunity to seek additional novel advances. Reducing the logisitical footprint and increasing portability by removing the need for compressed gases was a goal to ease implementation within higher fidelity training simulators with limited space to increase immersive training opportunities. This paper will provide an overview of the training need and the technical approach to the training device development. Additionally, the authors will discuss the engineering and human subjects testing conducted to evaluate the system. The results will include how symptoms experienced using this novel device compare to historical data from other training systems, in addition to whether the system reduces or eliminates air hunger issues.