NASS 2017 Annual Meeting

Interdisciplinary Spine Forum: Women's Issues in Spine Care (Room WF4)

Moderator: Gregory L. Whitcomb, DC

Gender specificity is becoming increasingly important to healthcare and is sure to impact spine practice; spine research and the training of spine care professionals. In co-sponsorship with the American Women’s Medical Association and NASS’ Section on Interdisciplinary Spine, this program addresses the impact of gender gaps in spine care with a focus on the clinical, research and policy initiatives necessary to achieving professional parity and optimizing treatment outcome.

Upon completion of this session, participants should gain strategies to:

  • Understand the significant extant sex and gender disparities in spine-related research, clinical practice and health-policy;
  • Identify emerging scientific evidence on the importance of gender-based clinical decision-making and care;
  • Display greater knowledge of gender-related effects on spine biomechanics, pain expression and the unique clinical challenges of pelvic pain in females and postpartum return to activity and fitness.


Welcome and Introduction
Gregory L. Whitcomb, DC

The Impact of Gender/Sex on Innovation and Novel Technologies (iGIANT)
Saralyn Mark, MD

Gender Differences in Pain Perception and Expression: Debunking “Women as Whiners”
Shira Weiner, PhD, PT

Gender Differences in Skeletal Health: The Criticality of Bone Health
Kim Templeton, MD

The Gender Disparity in Degenerative Spondylolisthesis: Biomechanical and Motor Control Considerations
Jacek Cholewicki, PhD

The Pelvic Floor and Chronic Pelvic Pain: Diagnosis and Clinical Considerations
Kate Temme, MD

Pregnancy-Related Back and Pelvic Pain: Epidemiological and Clinical Considerations
Suzanne Badillo, PT, WCS

Postpartum Axial Rehabilitation: Evidence and Implementation with Long-Term Women’s Health Care Considerations
Shiela Dugan, MD

The Hip/Spine Connection: Gender Considerations and Management
Heidi Prather, DO

Panel Discussion