IAAPA Attractions Expo 2016

Buzz Off: Drone Usage and U.S. Regulation for the Attractions Industry (Room S330AB)

16 Nov 16
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Tracks: Facility Operations, Governmental Relations, Safety and Security, Translated Events

NOTE: This session is not open to the press.

The use of unmanned aerial systems, commonly known as "drones" has taken off (pun intended) over the last several years. Drones can be used for a variety of purposes, including to enhance a robust safety and inspection plan, but they can also be a nuisance and safety hazard when used by the general public over your attraction. New government regulations are poised to make commercial drone usage easier and more available to amusement operators. Learn about the current state of the regulatory environment, preview what's coming next, and walk away with practical tips for using drones in your operation and policing privately operated drones over your facilities.

Título: Aplicar valores familiares para conseguir un servicio al cliente excepcional

¿Qué es más importante que la familia? Descubra cómo aplicar los valores de la familia para los clientes internos y externos. Mejore su relación con sus empleados y ellos mejorarán su relación con los clientes. Reduzca la rotación de personal, mejore la retención de clientes y aumente la rentabilidad de su parque.