IEEE 2016


03 May 16
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Panel Session

Power quality concerns the electrical interaction between the grid and equipment connected to it (or between the network operators and its customers to use a more legal description). Bad power quality will result in equipment connected to the grid not functioning in the way it is intended (eg equipment tripping or failing prematurely). The term “electromagnetic interference” is used for this in international standards. The interest for power quality was high in the 1990s and has since ebbed way, taken over by subjects like renewable energy production and smart grids. Several of the ongoing and expected developments make, however, that power quality deserved much more attention than it typically gets. Some recent developments that impact power quality are: the introduction of wind and solar power; the replacement of overhead lines by cables; the massive use of active power electronics for production, as well as consumption; and the replacement of incandescent lamps by compact fluorescent and LED lamps. The impact of these developments on the power quality will be discussed in this panel, where the leading theme will be whether these changes will result in any change in the probability of electromagnetic interference (eg. equipment connected to the grid or part of the grid not functioning as intended).