SEMICON West 2016

Challenges and Opportunities as Electronics Architectures Migrate from Rigid PCBs, to Flexible PCBs, to Thin Flexible Hybrid Electronics- Dan Gamota, Jabil (Room North Hall, Room 132)

12 Jul 16
1:30 PM - 1:55 PM

Tracks: Flexible Hybrid Electronics Forum


Engineering Organizations are establishing internal processes to support the deployment of electronics architectures in high volume manufacturing that integrate thin flexible hybrid electronics.  In parallel, Standards Development Organizations (IPC, IEC, IEEE, etc.), Industry Trade Associations (SEMI, IPC, SGIA, etc.), and Technology Workshops are discussing the challenges and opportunities that will be observed during the migration from Rigid PCBs, to Flexible PCBs, to Thin Flexible Hybrid Electronics.  A common list of topics are discussed during activities sponsored by the aforementioned groups such as 1) well developed supply chains (e.g. materials, equipment, and manufacturing platforms), 2) robust standard operating procedures (e.g. consumables storage, materials acceptance standards, certificates of compliance), 3) established design rules (e.g. flex, rigid-flex, ultra thin die), and 4) rigid manufacturing processes (e.g. handling and presentation of ultra thin die, processing environment – temperature, humidity) and equipment (e.g. pick & place, dispensing, curing, in-line/off-line inspection tools).  These activities are necessary to ensure that Flexible Hybrid Electronics based Products meet consumer demands for lifetime performance.