AUVSI's Unmanned Systems 2016

Certification Platform for Commercial UAS Operations (Room 283-285)

04 May 16
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Air, Commercial, Defense, Research and Development, Technical Track: Unmanned Systems Certification

The FAA is currently struggling with the pressure for regulation supporting UAS adoption for commercial purposes. Safety of flight when integrating UAS into the NAS is paramount. Key barriers to regulation include: Sense and Avoid (SAA) capability; Interaction with Air Traffic Control (ATC); UAS’ ability to adhere to airspace limitations (geofencing); UAS vehicle reliability; flight envelope protection; and predictability of UAS flight paths for traffic management. This paper discusses these safety issues and describes a tool for verifying UAS capability while assessing compliance with associated requirements. Defining regulation and certification standards to ensure public safety is of the utmost importance to full-scale UAS integration. The ability to validate compliance with defined regulation poses another challenge. Adsys Controls’ Razor system is designed to provide an exhaustive test capability to validate complex aircraft models within a representative NAS environment. Razor supports development of complex high fidelity dynamic models supporting multi-vehicle simulations and communications representative of both ATC controlled and uncontrolled environments. Razor allows UAS developers or testing organizations to simulate the hardware and software capabilities of the subject UAS by allowing configuration of test/simulation in a user-friendly GUI without the need to recompile a simulation, allowing diverse users to bring a host of models to bear while protecting their own and others’ IP. This architecture allows for the creation of an open model marketplace where models can be exchanged while maintaining the security of their content. Razor integrates the ability to perform Monte Carlo simulations, simulation visualization for situational awareness during tests run in real-time, faster than real-time simulation, and multi-vehicle simulation for all-important determination of UAS’ SAA capabilities. Paramount to the platforms capability is the creation and interaction of models emulating an immersive NAS environment. Razor supports simulation of over 100 simultaneous aircraft, sense and avoid models, flight control models, interactions with ATC or other regulating entities, in addition to the UASs on-board avionics and flight dynamics. Razor integrates a variety of testing capabilities to support UAS functional and performance validation. These capabilities and the procedure for generating UAS test scenarios will be discussed in the session.