SuperZoo 2015

The Tools You Need to Succeed in 2015 and Beyond Tracking Your Pet Store Health in 30 Minutes a Week (Room Palm A)

22 Jul 15
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Retail Session, Sessions, SuperZoo University Sessions

Retailers today are pressed like never before. More to do with less people to do it is the norm across many retail store landscapes. So how can you (and should you) take some critical time each week to insure that your efforts are paying off and that your business in on the right track to sales and profitability this year and every year. This seminar offers a plan for retailers to review, repair and re-strategize their business each week based on a 30 minute business review plan. We’ll share how taking the time to track key elements in your business can actually save you money and improve your performance- in 30 minutes! Join us and learn why 30 minutes of review can save you hours of heartache later for your retail business.