Sensors Expo 2015

IoT: The Final Frontier for Embedded (Room 103A/B)

These are the challenges of the embedded community whose five year mission is to expand strange new markets; to seek out new applications and new ecosystems; to boldly go where no engineer has gone before. If Captain James T Kirk was talking about future of embedded he would be looking for a spaceship that was completely connected with voice enabled commands, certainly a big step up from what we have today, which is more simple command and control functions. As the ability of computing has increased in the digital world it now gives more capability to vast arrays of analog sensors which in turn enables us to make machines that are able to see, hear, taste and touch. Essentially we want our machines to behave more like humans hence Star Trek ships computer has now become Ironman’s JARVIS (just a rather very intelligent system) which is a highly advanced computerized artificial intelligence with a personality. But before we can make that bold leap into the future we need to foundation of sensors which we are making smarter. This session will explore the power of smart sensors – in particular examining the impact of enabling IoT devices to see and hear and what is necessary to enable connectivity. Presenters in this symposium will share industry insight and expert knowledge on: The current state of the IoT market, Future technology trends, Efforts in connectivity standards, Various hardware enablement platforms to accelerate proof of concepts designs. This symposium will provide the technical and market knowledge and tools to help attendees to create their companies’ IoT value proposition and products for successful entry into these new markets.