Sensors Expo 2015

Raising Medication Compliance through M2M and IoT (Room 103 AB)

10 Jun 15
11:10 AM - 11:50 AM

Tracks: Internet of Things, IoT & Wireless

Wireless M2M and remote sensors are enabling an increasing number of mobile health devices to transmit data in real time, allowing patients to lead more active lives. This session will focus on a case-study involving an mHealth application using sensors and the IoT to help patients adhere to medication regimens. Attendees learn how AdhereTech is using sensors to help patients comply with physician prescribed medication regimens, while also alerting caregivers and physicians if medication is not being taken or misused. They will also learn the greater connection between M2M communications and the mHealth industry, in addition to seeing the opportunities and challenges for these applications in the industry. Finally, this session will describe larger trends going on in the healthcare and mHealth industries and how sensors can play a larger role in the space.