NASS 2015 Annual Meeting

Choosing the Right Spine Outcome Measure for the Lumbar Spine (Room Skyline Ballroom AB)

16 Oct 15
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Allied Health, Medical, Surgical

Moderator(s): Venu Akuthota, MD

Moderator: Venu Akuthota, MD

The world of spine care is evolving into an outcome-driven, patient-focused practice. However, spine practitioners represent a variety of interests, settings, and patient populations. Most are focused on pure clinical outcomes, while others are focused on specific research outcomes driven by specific research questions. This symposium will address different ways to measure spine outcomes ranging from so-called "process measures," to legacy condition-specific measures to new computer adaptive testing methods.

Upon completion of this session, participants should gain strategies to:

  • Identify the difference between process measures and condition specific clinical outcome measures;
  • Demonstrate the utility of minimal uniform dataset for research purposes;
  • Show an implementation strategy that covers quality measures.



  • Spine Outcome Landscape
    Sigurd H. Berven, MD
  • ICHOM Standardized Clinical Measures
    Matthew Smuck, MD
  • PROMIS Experience
    Darrel S. Brodke, MD
  • NIH Research Task Force Recommendations
    James Rainville, MD
  • Registries: Pros and Cons
    Daniel K. Resnick, MD, MS
  • Coming to Consensus
    Venu Akuthota, MD and Panel