Cost Competitive Products by Low Emission Flameless Pressurized Oxy-Firing Fueled by Low Rank Combustibles

10 Jun 15
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Tracks: Theme: Renewable Energy Strategy, Business & Integration, Theme: The Big Carbon Question

Many indicators and scenarios proposed by IEA are considering co2 cutting as an important option for the future. .By consideration that CCS technology is an essential option to attain the energy security together with climate objectives, ITEA company has been engaged , since 2003 , on development of its patented process ISOTHERM suitable to be applied at waste to energy plants but also to cleaner power plants which might exploit local fossil fuel resources creating conditions to sustain also economy of the States where indigenous fossil fuel resources as lignite , coal, peat are available.The concept of ISOTHERM has been proposed by Benelli, Malavasi and Girardi as zero emission option for large coal power plants since 2007 .Several development activities on ISOTHERM process took place in last decade with development experimental activities on a very wide variety of fuels and waste therefore today the Isotherm technology is applicable to a vast range of industrial sectors as the followings: •treatment of industrial waste ; • treatment of chemical landfills ; • treatment of heavy oil fractions and, more in general, of oil industry fractions; • Combustion of coal for “zero emission” power generation. The paper presents environmental results of the ISOTHERM process on the basis of tests developed to several feedstocks together with main design and economic analyses of the most recent and very compact ISOTHERM version suitable to provide zero-emission electric power and steam at intermediate ( 30-100 Mwe) scale, which might be applied into cities, with a very flexible operation to integrate at best renewables on grid with interesting economic advantage to end user.