F&B LA 2019

Why Website Accessibility is Important & How to Make Sure Your Site Is ADA Compliant (Room Education Zone - Booth 623)

25 Aug 19
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Tracks: Marketing & Social Media, Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo

Have you thought about how accessible your website is to all users? Websites are highly relied on for menu searches, services, and more. Over the past years, a stream of lawsuits have been surfacing based on websites that are not inclusive and accessible under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).

In 2017, 814 lawsuits were filed in federal court and in 2018 this grew 177% with 2,258 lawsuits filed. That number is expected to grow even more during 2019. Big name businesses such as Amazon, Domino's Pizza, Target and Playboy are among those that have been sued for not having their sites completely accessible.

Now that this has become a trend, lawyers are coming after medium and smaller businesses. Lawsuits can go up to $75,000, and most of them can be settled. But, even if you settle, you still run with the settlement, courtroom and attorney expenses and those could go up to the thousands of dollars too. Avoid a lawsuit and make sure your restaurant website is ADA compliant. In this talk, you will learn 10 tips and the 4 areas of focus to make your website ADA compliant:

1.     Perceivable

2.     Operable

3.     Understandable

4.     Robust