2019 ASD Market Week March

Driving Retail Results Through Culture (Room Central Hall Lobby)

18 Mar 19
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: Independent Retailer Conference

Speaker(s): Chris Edmonds
Author Chris Edmonds shares the three keys to creating a purposeful, positive, productive work culture in your retail business. Why should you care about culture? Because culture drives everything that happens in your workplace, for better or worse. If you want customers to be wowed by talented, engaged employees - in every interaction, whether online or offline - you must create an employee experience that validates team member ideas, efforts, and accomplishments plus treats everyone with trust and respect. Edmonds has helped clients around the globe boost employee engagement by 40%, customer service by 40%, and results and profits by 35%. If driving results if what your business needs, this is a keynote experience not to miss! Don’t leave your retail culture to chance.