Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2018

Environmental Giving in the Outdoor Industry (Room Embassy Suites Downtown Denver)

24 Jul 18
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Join us for a conversation with The Outdoor Foundation, The National Forest Foundation, The Access Fund, Protect Our Winters and Friends of Cedar Mesa. We're coming together to talk about how funding groups, non-profits and outdoor businesses are partnering to protect and steward the lands where outdoor industry customers go to play and find meaning.  

From start-ups to massive multi-national companies, brands in the outdoor industry are working with non-profits to encourage more people to explore the outdoors, to protect access to recreation areas, to build and maintain visitor centers on threatened public lands and to advocate for the interests of the outdoor industry. 

Take a break from the tradeshow floor to hear about projects that lead to lifelong advocacy for the natural world.