RSI/CMA 2018

LRW: Cultivating Your Rail Career Through Collaboration, Entrepreneurship and Engagement (Room 204)

10 Sep 18
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Tracks: League of Railway Women (LRW)

Join LRW for thier kickoff session at RSI/CMA 2018. Learn how CN managers Alice Peres Da Silva and Roquita Coleman-Williams have cultivated dynamic rail careers with this Class I Railroad  through internal collaboration, corporate entrepreneurship and external engagement.  Forbes Magazine encourages professionals to change jobs every 3-5 years. For women in our industry, “job hopping” may not be a suitable development or advancement strategy. This talk will provide women alternative strategies for connecting and cultivating in the rail industry.

Tweet us at @Railway_Women

Hashtags: #WomenInRail #LRW2018 #RSICMA18