Sensors Midwest 2018

PC3: The Enabling Semiconductor Industry: Condition Monitoring Goes Digital (Room Theater 3)

17 Oct 18
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Ed Spence - Founder & Managing Director, The Machine Instrumentation Group — Emerging IIoT technologies have the potential to expand the reach of Condition Monitoring to markets and applications not previously practical or economically feasible. Although much of the IIoT conversation has revolved around wireless networks and cloud-based analytics, the real revolution may be taking place at the sensor level. For example, MEMS Accelerometers open the door to highly integrated digital solutions, in physical form factors and power levels that enable the Industrial OEM or Machine Builder to embed specialized CBM sensing solutions inside the machine, not just mounting on the machine after it is installed in the factory. Digital sensor solutions enabled by solid state electronics can integrate data processing capabilities, generating condition indicators that can be communicated to the machine controller via an appropriate digital protocol. This session discusses the potential for digital sensor solutions enabled by solid state technologies to expand the art of Condition Monitoring to new types of equipment.