NASS 2018 Annual Meeting

Solution Showcase: A Clinical Update on Tritanium – A Novel, Highly Porous Material Designed for Bone In-Growth and Biological Fixation (Room The Learning Place, Red Theater)

26 Sep 18
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
Speaker(s): Scott Parker, MD

A clinical update on Tritanium – a novel, highly porous material designed for bone in-growth and biological fixation.1

3D printed interbody devices have flooded the market but most lack evidence.  Stryker’s proprietary Tritanium In-Growth Technology, used to build the Tritanium PL, TL and C Cages, was designed for bone in-growth and biological fixation1.  Join us as we share the science behind Tritanium In-Growth Technology.

Reference: 1. PROJ43909 Tritanium technology claim support memo