NASS 2018 Annual Meeting

Interdisciplinary Spine Forum: The Lancet Low Back Pain Series and the European Spine Journal Series on the Future of Spine Care (Room 406AB)

Moderators: Brian Justice, DC; Eric Buchl, PA-C


The Lancet Low Back Pain series may represent the most thorough review and summarization of the world spine literature ever attempted. Involving 31 authors from 15 countries, The Lancet outlines why there is an urgent need to halt the increasing burden of low back pain and what actions to take. Since much of the low back pain care is low value and making the problem worse, improving the clinician, patient and general public understanding of back pain is a key issue.


The Lancet’s “call to action” was outlined in a special edition of the European Spine Journal.  These 15 papers, including a consensus document from 68 clinicians and scientists from 24 countries defines how to implement a model of care based on the evidence and defines the roles of primary, secondary and tertiary spine care.


Upon completion of this session, participants should gain strategies to:

  • Recognize the burden of low back pain across the world, the number one cause of disability worldwide;
  • Appreciate surprising world data that demonstrates that non-evidence-based practice is apparent across all income settings and is causing harm;
  • Embrace a culture change in spine care, focusing on a positive health concept as the overarching strategic approach to the prevention of long-term disability from low back pain;
  • Prepare for the changing landscape of spine management policies and the rising role of data transparency, the patient as consumer and employer-driven health care systems.



The Lancet Spine Series


Why the Global Tsunami (or Epidemic) of Back Pain Disability Needs Our Urgent Attention
Martin Underwood, MD


What Do We Know About How to Reverse the Global Epidemic of Back Pain Disability
Chris Maher, PhD


Reversing the Epidemic (or Tide): A Call to Action
Rachelle Buchbinder, MBBS, PhD


Discussion, Questions and Answers
Faculty Panel

European Spine Journal and the International Spine Care Initiative


Answering the Call to Action: World Spine Care and the Global Spine Care Initiative
Scott Haldeman, MD, PhD, DC


The Burden of Spinal Disorders In LMICs and at the Personal and Community Level
Eric Hurwitz, DC, PhD


Comorbidities, Risk Factors and Public Health Interventions for Spinal Disorders
Bart Green, DC, MS, PhD


Assessing a Person with Spine-Related Symptoms, Avoiding Unnecessary Testing and Treatment
Margareta Nordin, MD


The GSCI Classification and Care Pathway
Scott Haldeman, MD, PhD, DC


The GSCI Model of Care: Resources and Implementation
Claire Johnson, PhD, DC, MS


Common Messages from the Lancet and European Spine Journal Series of Articles: What is the Next Step?
Margareta Nordin, MD


Discussion, Questions and Answers
Faculty Panel