National Pavement Expo 2019

C27 - New: How to Build Maximum Value in Your Business for Eventual Transition (Room Ballroom C)

01 Mar 19
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Employee Management

Every owner ultimately wants to build a business that can bring substantial income, flexibility and ultimately maximum value for when they sell or transition the business. That is their reward for many years of hard work and effort! The reality is many owners don’t understand the drivers of value and receive less than they expect when they transition. In this session, you will learn the critical components to building value that bring a higher dollar amount no matter what your transition plan is. You’ll learn the formula for valuation, the types of buyers that are available, and how to use a two-year plan to position yourself that increases value by more than 20%. If you want to know what your business is worth and develop a short- or long-term plan for transition, don’t miss this session!

Topics: Management