National Pavement Expo 2019

W10 - New: Your Business: Run it Like it Was "For Sale" (Room 205BC)

01 Mar 19
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Employee Management

Whether your company is established, still in the growing stage – or even a startup -- it’s essential that you run it day-to-day as if it is up for sale. Why? Because operating your company like you are ready to sell it ensures you are maximizing its value.

In this session -- no “accountant-speak” allowed, just plain talk about your results -- you will examine the following topics to increase the attractiveness of your enterprise:

  • Historical Financials vs. Forward-looking Analysis
  • The Trend is Your Friend – Moving Averages
  • KPI’s and Dashboards – What Should You Measure?
  • Pre-diligence – Preparing for a Sale
  • Reporting Options for QuickBooks

To get the highest value for your business, it should be operating cleanly and profitably, and Ken will show you how to make that happen. You already keep track of your financial data in your accounting system – why not put that data to good use? There are nuggets of information that you can use every week, month and quarter and in this session you’ll uncover those nuggets and learn how to use them to your advantage.

If your skill set is on the street and not in the ledger, this session is all the more important for you and your key managers responsible for departmental and team profitability. You will take home templates, solutions and a detailed handout you can use to implement what you learn right away. Don’t miss this opportunity to drive increased value into your business... Remember, what gets measured, gets done!

Special NAPSA-member Pricing: $90

Topics: Management