National Pavement Expo 2019

A09 - New: How to Improve Cracksealing Processes to Double Your Profits (Room 205BC)

27 Feb 19
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Cracksealing, Repair

Cracksealing has become a mainstay for many contractors, but are you crack sealing as efficiently – and as profitably – as possible? In this new session, presented by contractors who regularly place a semi-truckload of sealer in a day, you’ll learn processes that will enable you to reduce labor costs, increase your lay down rate – and double your profits! And you’ll learn what equipment will improve productivity as well as how to modify or customize your existing equipment for higher production rates. You’ll learn crack sealing methods that apply principles of ergonomics, decrease worker fatigue, and increase safety – all while improving worker productivity. Plus you’ll learn how to “get the least” out of your inspector (how to keep him happy while making more money)! With what you take home from this session you’ll go from pour-potting driveways to hitting-it-out-of-the-park municipal crack seal work (you’ll be able to crack seal 4-5 times faster than a city crew). A can’t-miss session for contractors looking to improve their crack sealing productivity.

Topics: Cracksealing and Repair