2018 WPC

Creative Expression in Perfumery

05 Jun 18
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

*Please note this workshop will be conducted in French.

Join master perfumer, Jean-Claude Ellena, in his poetic masterclass about his creative expression in perfumery. With simplicity and an astute attention to nature's details in his compositions, perfumers attending his class will learn more about his creative methods of bottling the world around us.

I feel a white rose in my garden, it has a slight smell of raspberry, lipstick. As it is early morning, it also has the smell of dew. I add to my composition the dew, the freshness of the dawn and the whiteness of the petals (with a red rose it would have been different). In fact, I only feel the picturesque and I am only at the level of smell, it is not yet a fragrance.

It takes time to see further, behind the air, behind appearances. It is not the rose that is important, but it is the way that it is expressed is where all creation remains. I am told that I am minimalist in my way of composing, which I dispute. I like the simplicity, it's my way of writing with smells. People like what I create others not at all. What comforts me is that we do not talk about the smell but my way of expressing it, so the perfume.