FETC 2018

Bringing Yearbooks/Newsletters/Presentations/Reports to Life With AR & 360 Video! (Room Booth 965)

26 Jan 18
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Educator

The day and age of regular yearbooks,newsletters, book reports, and newspapers seem to be coming to a close. The youth of today want that "Harry Potter" style presentation with movement, morphing, and video in their hands! This session will bring you just that! The Lecanto Middle School yearbook was featured by Hall Davidson during his Keynote presentation at last year's FETC, as a book full of AR & VR technology. Attendees at this session will be able to take back ideas for use in their own classroom, or for use in school publications. Why not add that extra element of surprise to grab the attention of your parents and students? Come see how to bring your yearbook, newsletter, PowerPoint, book report, or presentation to life with AR & VR technology!