FETC 2018

A Case Study: So You Want To Have A Makerspace (Room Booth 1100)

25 Jan 18
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Administrator

This presentation will review the creation and first three years of 'Iolani's Lower School S.T.E.M./MakerSpace in Honolulu, HI. If your school wants to start a makerspace or you are in the early years of operation, learn from our successes and failures. We'll share how we organize and run our space as well as show how we use laser cutters, 3D printers, CNC mills and a variety of interactive materials to incorporate STEM and Maker Education into the curriculum. If you have questions about the who, what, when, where, why, and how of creating and running a makerspace, we'll do our best to help you begin to answer them.