FETC 2018

Drone Technology in Schools: How It's Done! (Room South 330AB)

25 Jan 18
2:00 PM - 2:40 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Administrator

Attendees of this session will learn how we utilize a Phantom IV drone within our school system and have crossed multiple curriculum strands with ease. This presentation is designed to showcase how drone technology can be utilized in the Science, Math, Art, Vocational Agriculture, and Career Pathways programs at your school. This presentation will give examples of how we have utilized the drone within each curriculum area as well as share success stories and also areas where we have learned lessons along the way. In addition, this session will cover the legal issues that have arisen as drones have become more popular within the Unites States. Finally, this session will talk about budgeting a drone for your school district and include a demonstration of drone technology in action.