2016 Global Identity Summit

Innovations in Authentication- Global Interoperability: Future Requirements (Room Tampa Convention Center:Room 15-16)

20 Sep 16
3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

Tracks: : Cross-cutting Issues, : Cross-cutting Issues, : Cross-cutting Issues

The importance of strong authentication is now understood more than ever, thanks to a rash of high-visibility, high damage breaches in both the public and private sector where the attack vector was the common password. This last year has seen governments around the world put forth new requirements for strong authentication in both government systems and the systems of industries they regulate; likewise, the White House has launched a campaign focused on getting the general public to protect their accounts with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). But at a time when awareness of the need for strong authentication is growing, the industry is also going through significant changes: the near-ubiquity of mobile devices that contain biometric sensors and embedded security hardware is creating new ways to deliver strong authentication – in many ways, with models that are both more secure and easier for the end-user. This track will lay out where the authentication market is today and explore where it's going – with opportunities at the end for participants to help shape the future of authentication through two collaborative workshops.