2016 Spring Dealer Market

Circular Content & Design Fundamentals (Room Brand Building Seminar Area)

27 Feb 16
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Brand Building Clinics

Advertising circulars are an important component of most promotional programs. And while we’ve all heard that print is dying, recent research shows that advertising circulars are still very effective at driving customer store visits and transactions, resulting in higher overall sales. But to see these kinds of results, circulars must be consumer friendly and appropriate to the market they serve. This workshop will provide a brief overview of circular planning, product selection, pricing, and layout strategies of successful independent brands.

Topics covered will include:

  • Circular planning systems to streamline the production process and learn from years past.
  • Product selection tips that help draw the customer in.
  • Pricing techniques to help feature popular items and move less in-demand inventory.
  • Layout ideas and best practices for consistent (not boring!) and cohesive circulars.
  • Common design errors and how to avoid them.
Using colors, iconography and fonts consistently for the greatest impact.