F37: Robotic Automation Systems (Room N227-N228)

Robot Based Automation Systems
Learn about various robotic based flexible automation systems including a who's who, a brief history and an illustration of the various types and applications of commercially available industrial robots. Learn the basics of how a robot functions, brief fundamentals of programming and anticipated maintenance. Review the components of a flexible automation system, the reasons to choose flexible automation, successful implementation and the potential road blocks to success. The 10 common mistakes in robot integration will also be covered.
Bob Rochelle - Gudel, Inc.

Robotic Programming for High-Mix Applications
Robotics have long been used for high-volume, low-mix applications where time consuming, complex programming is required. Recent advancements in offline programming have drastically simplified the process, enabling robots to be used in high-mix environments. Learn how new robotic programming techniques are being used to expand the use of robotics in manufacturing.
Chahe Bakmazjian - Hypertherm Robotic Software Inc. and Peter Brahan - Hypertherm, Inc.

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