2019 NPGA SE Expo


Sessions (0)

Maximizing the Efficency and Safety of LPG Terminals (Room Exhibit Hall)

15 Apr 19
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Fast Track

Speaker(s): Derek Rimko ; Jim Bunsey ; Liz Woods
Propane retailers are often faced with filing in the gaps of their LPG supply chain. Whether it's new construction or renovation of an exisiting te... More...

Relief Valve Sizing and Operation (Room Exhibit Hall)

15 Apr 19
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Fast Track

Speaker(s): Erick Barrios
Overpressure protection is required by NFPA 58 for pressure reducing applications for both commercial and residential systems. Relief valves are a ... More...