IAAPA Attractions Expo 2017

FireZone set to debut new Hero Adventure Platform at IAAPA

(Chicago, IL)

The country's only firefighting-themed events company is set to debut its new Hero Adventure Platform at IAAPA this Fall in Orlando. FireZone is a firefighter-owned and operated company operating  the only firefighting-themed party and events facility in the country, currently located in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. The new mobile events platform called the Hero Adventure Trailer is the company's latest innovation that bottles up its success within its brick and mortar facility into the ultimatemobile adventure system. The Hero Adventure Trailer merges adventure, versatility and hands-on fun into the most exciting mobile events platform ever created. The real appeal comes from the hybrid design allowing for both adult team building and kids activities all from a single paltform. The patent-pending system is sure to turn heads and heat up the discussions for party and amusement companies looking for something fresh and engaging. And who doesn’t love firefighters?