VISIT LEADPOINT AT WASTECON 2019 -- Meet our MRF Experts in our Hometown

PHOENIX (October 7, 2019) – Leadpoint Business Services, a provider of high-performance work teams and operations support services to the recycling industry, is among the recycling and waste industry experts you’ll meet at WasteCon 2019, October 21-24 at the Phoenix Convention Center.

From its corporate headquarters in Phoenix, the company’s leadership team will be onsite during the conference and its associated social activities will have a key role in the 7th Annual Safety Summit and will meet with customers and industry leaders at their exhibit on the expo floor.

“We’re especially pleased that Brian Haney, our vice president of safety and compliance, will serve as moderator of the panel presentation, Implementing a Comprehensive Safety Program, on Tues., October 22,” said Frank Ramirez, Leadpoint CEO and founder.

In addition, Leadpoint invites its customers and industry partners to visit their offices and meet with members of its executive team while they are in The Valley of the Sun.

Visit leadpointusa.com or call 888-205-1511 to learn more.

About Leadpoint
Since 2000, Leadpoint has helped recycling companies make better decisions about how to maximize their workforce and achieve a common goal: consistent production, cost containment and high-quality, profitable output. Based in Phoenix, the company takes the chaos out of MRF operations and optimizes performance for recycling organizations nationwide.  www.leadpointusa.com