2019 Surf Expo January

Handcrafted Gift LLC, Environmentally Friendly and Socially Conscious Gifts and Souvenirs

Every single product featured in our exclusive collection has been handcrafted with care and lots of love. We make it a point to produce our items out of materials that are recycled, repurposed, left-over, or sustainably produced.

Our artisans proudly use aluminum from recycled soda cans, metal components retrieved from engine motors and salvageable boat parts to create custom art. With careful precision, our crafters also turn to sustainable earth-derived materials, such as coconut shell and twig, when designing one-of-a-kind gifts. Furthermore, we strive to do our very best to integrate a variety of other materials that are abundant in nature, that have a simple reproduction cycle and that minimize pollution, including wood bits and bamboo.

By practicing fair trade standards, we contribute to the economic well-being of local communities in the Philippines while also doing our part to protect the environment. When you purchase our products, you are assisting us to reach this incredibly important goal. We thank You!