2019 ASD Market Week March

Distributors Nationwide Can Now Get Their Hands On CBD-Axis: The Leading Hemp Product Provider.

CBD-Axis, an international leading hemp and CBD products designer and developer in the greater CBD market today! Delivering revolutionary products to Distributors countrywide.

Located in San Diego, California, now all interested distrubutors can get their hands on everything from raw hemp smokable flowers to distilled help CBD oil-based products.

We take pride in creating totally one-of-a-kind CBD products that aren’t available anywhere else in the world right now. As the first distributor to bring smokable hemp flowers to the market in a way that is friendly to the consumer, we are constantly researching and designing new products that fortify the expanding CBD market.

CBD-Axis carries three categories of hemp products at this time: CBD Raw Smokable Hemp Flowers, Distilled Hemp Derived CBD Oil Products, and Hemp Derived Water Soluble CBD Edibles and Drink Products. Within the flower subsection, CBD-Axis offers 7-gram hemp flower jars, available in 7 different strains per year, as well as hemp pre-rolls, hemp cigars, flower concentrates, and hemp kief.

Within our oil subsection, CBD-Axis offers 500mg 27% CBD dablicators, as well as an infused flower line with pre-rolls and infused hemp flower availability.

Lastly, within our edibles subsection, CBD-Axis carries cola, lemon lime soda, and lemonade soda cans (available in two different sizes), 500mg water soluble CBD tincture, and 200mg gummy bears and fruit slices for casual consumption.

Created with hemp grown right here in the United States of America, we are showing consumers how valuable CBD can be for their health and stability, without the hallucinogenic side effects of THC. All of our hemp farms have the appropriate hemp licenses that each state requires for them to produce their finished product. From there, we infuse it into everything that is possible, whether that be oil droplets or gummy bears. Believing that the future of stable physical health, mental health, and emotional health comes from this naturally occurring compound in nature, we are proud to be part of its further development.

Founded in 2017, the team has been working together for over a year to source the highest quality hemp in the designing of their daily-use CBD products.