Surf Expo September 2018


Jays Company is a Seoul-based company and will participate in the SURF Expo in September 2018 with the new SUPorca.

Introduction to SUPorca

1. Characteristics

SUPORca is a product for people who cannot ride the SUP with fun.

Anyone can ride it, and the average speed is achieved by the force of the lever.

The SUPorca is designed to allow women, older men, and less powerful teenagers to enjoy the speed of SUP in rivers and seas.

That is, if SUP is a dynamic sport only for powerful and young people,

SUPorca is a static sport that allows women, teenagers and even older people to enjoy the sea.

2. driving force

Like rowing with the paddle of the SUP, SUPorca stirs back and forth the bar mounted on the board.

Then, the SUPorca pin, located below the board linked to the bar, generates the driving force.

Like the name of a SUPorca, it creates a driving force with the same driving system as orca's tail.

Basically, SUPorca is a marine sports product that does not use electricity, motors, or screws, and operates with minimal equipment and human power.

3. Balancing, Preparation time

While SUP needs to practice in advance, SUPorca is easy enough that it doesn't need balancing or rowing practice.

View of driving is also similar to SUP from a distance.

4. Performance

SUPorca aims at speeds of more than 7km/h in a comfortable position.

5. Sales and Market

It will be sold in the SUP market as a patented product.

It is for those who cannot enjoy it because they have difficulty with balancing or because of their weak power.

It is for everyone.

We are looking for partners in each region who can join the proto type.

6. Video

Attached file is a short video clip of the SUPorca 2018 Proto Type. (50 Seconds)

7. Counseling

If you would like to have a meeting with us during the SurfExpo (2018.09.06~08th), please e-mail us with suitable date and time then we will repond you shortly.

(booth no.1547)