2019 International Pizza Expo

Electric Bike Testimonial from Seattle Domino's Pizza

Patrick Claffey, the director of operations for Domino’s Pizza in Seattle, turned the ebike company Rad Power Bikes for a delivery solution. Rad Power Bikes provided premium ebikes at an affordable price, matched by exceptional service. Learn more from Patrick Claffey, the director of operations for Domino's Pizza in Seattle and then visit Rad Power Bikes at booth #2658.

How have Rad Power Bikes increased productivity and/or saved you time and money on deliveries?

"Although our fleets consist of 2 other e-bike solutions, Rad has provided as good a solution as the other two at a price that outperforms the others. The bikes have been very dependable since we implemented them nearly 4 months ago."

What was the original reason you started looking into e-bikes for your delivery fleet?

"We have been using e-bikes for just over two years and our reason for seeking out Rad was a service and cost concern. Rad has answered both of those needs."

How has incorporating Rad Power Bikes improved your company image?

"Our urban footprint means a great deal in this Seattle market. While looking sharp we are taking a step towards minimizing emissions and employing more team members from the inner city."

Would you recommend using Rad Power Bikes as a brand to other companies, and why?

"I have been recommending them. First for price, second for maintenance and lastly the communication and customer service have been outstanding."

What has been the most positive result of incorporating e-bikes from Rad Power Bikes into your business?

"Our challenge in the Seattle market has been staffing and dealing with gridlock in the early evening. Although we have been delivering via bike and e-bike for years now we have become savvier in identifying solutions that will be a better solution. So far Rad has been a greater solution."

For more information, visit Rad Power Bikes at booth #2658 or online at www.radpowerbikes.com/pages/pizza-delivery