2019 International Pizza Expo

HOT ROCKS PIZZA OVENS ‘’It is a game changer’’.

Picard Ovens, our sister brand, was the first to launch a stone conveyor oven more than 20 years

ago. Over all those years, we have constantly been investing in R&D to improve our product. Our

redesigned Hot Rocks oven came to market in 2014 and is shaking the Pizza Industry, one

restaurant at a time. Many of our clients have literally told us ‘’It is a game changer’’.

Our Hot Rocks oven bakes a perfect golden crust pizza, offering the quality bake with the speed,

consistency and ease of use of a conveyor. Our unique Stone Conveyor will help your business to

succeed. Our customers’ survey reveals important key success factors for restaurants after

installation of our Hot Rocks Pizza Oven:

 Increased overall customer satisfaction

 Increased pace of the experience

 Increased food quality appreciation

o Not a single complaint about burnt pizza 90 days post-installation

In addition, our Stone Conveyor oven is changing the Pizza Industry profitability by:

 Allowing you to cut on labor (1 employee per location)

 Saving on cost of Foods: no more pizza burnt

 Increasing your delivery revenues

o Now you can open UBER Eats, even during rush hours

 Decreasing ticket time, which allow you to serve more customer during rush hours

This oven will pay for itself in less than a year. We understand your challenges and our mission

is to bring innovations and solutions to help Pizza Operators to succeed.

If you want to learn more, we invite you to contact us or visit us at the Pizza Expo in Las Vegas

(Booth #1340 & 1341). We also invite you to visit our website at: www.hotrocksoven.com.