SURTEX® 2018

Pattern Observer will be featuring the work of Textile Design Lab students at SURTEX 2018

What better place for new stories to begin and for up-and-coming talents to be discovered than SURTEX? Pattern Observer is a leading online resource for textile and surface pattern designers, and they are more excited than ever to participate in SURTEX 2018. For the first time, they will be presenting the work created by members of their online community, the Textile Design Lab. The skills, talents, and visions that the artwork of their community exudes are sure to bring an even more vibrant energy to an already exciting event.


According to Michelle Fifis, founder of Pattern Observer and the Textile Design Lab, “What makes presenting the work of Textile Design Lab members most exciting is that we are a tight-knit design community where members are continually improving their craft, learning new techniques, staying informed of the most up-to-date styles, and making their artwork more profitable.” The unique vision and approach to textile and surface design is possible through Textile Design Lab courses that target exactly what up-and-coming designers need, as well as offer a creative hub for more experienced designers to go and continue their professional development. It’s an appealing home for any designer, as the experts involved with the Lab are world-renowned for their skills and talents in their specific areas of expertise.


According to members of Textile Design Lab, two courses, in particular, have been pivotal in evolving their experience in the textile and surface design industry—The Ultimate Guide to Repeats and The Sellable Sketch. These courses can be worked on individually or as a group. In addition to these courses, there are 10+ other courses available, as well as pattern design tutorials, Adobe training tutorials, live webinars, a private forum for artwork critique, and access to monthly guest experts who offer collection reviews, answer designer questions, and lecture on a variety of relevant industry topics. These are just a few of the reasons why members of the Textile Design Lab have such an edge in growing their careers smartly and with better results. The entire SURTEX community loves design, and they also love results!


For the work being exhibited at this year’s SURTEX, the Lab members had certain requirements to meet in order for the opportunity. These requirements included: 1) Submitting their work to Textile Design Lab’s private forum; 2) Each design received a critique by the Lab’s team of expert designers; 3) Based on critique and feedback, the opportunity to resubmit work was offered; 4) After additional review of member’s artwork, the decision of whether they were ready to be presented at SURTEX. The standards of the experts were high and it was a tough decision to turn away some amazing beautiful work, but there is only so much space available. To give interested purchases and/or those looking for licensed product, Pattern Observer Studio also has an online library of patterns available to interested parties. Here is the link to the library:


The Textile Design lab is excited to see you at SURTEX booth, #2846, during this year’s event, May 20-22, 2018. New York City, watch out, fresh, new, and in demand talent is on its way!