2018 GlobalShop

Take Your Floor To New Heights With Swisstrax

CLIMBING TO THE TOP. Inspiring climbers to test their limits for over 150 years, the Matterhorn emblematically towers 14,692 feet above sea level, trumping the “Matterhorn Bobsleds” in Disneyland, which only reach 147 feet. At Swisstrax® we highly value our Swiss heritage and funnel inspiration from this famous alpine ascent to reach new heights of our own. 
In Chicago at Global Shop, we are taking the next step with modular floor. Debuting an interactive Matterhorn mountain base, we invite you to sit back with great company, relax in our spring arctic atmosphere and walk through snowy waters. Get a sense of what our flooring can offer you and how you can feature products, messaging and more with ease. As The World’s Finest flooring innovators, we understand that everyone has their own vision for retail, residential or event space. To transport our guests on this epic journey, we will feature Vinyltrax® to recreate a snowy wood patio, Graphictrax® for our interactive pond and finally Turftrax® to top off our plush landscape. What tile style will be right for your application? Come by Booth #2613 and let’s explore the heights of your foundation.
SWISSTRAX FACT: Did you know that Swisstrax originated in Switzerland over 20 years ago? Swisstrax began manufacturing modular tiles specifically to eliminate snow run off on patios and has since revolutionized eventscapes, hangars, garages and retails spaces around the globe. 
WHO ARE WE? WHAT IS SWISSTRAX? Hey, maybe you lucked out and stumbled across this short briefing by extraordinary chance but you don’t totally know what Swisstrax is all about. Give us the paragraph to introduce ourselves.
Swisstrax isn’t simply flooring. It lays the foundation for the finest automotive engineering, showrooms, and eventscapes in the world. Designed with the finest Swiss engineering over 20 years ago, Swisstrax was brought to Southern California in 2005, where it has been owned, manufactured and managed since. Engineered to assemble quickly, our modular Swisstrax tiles can be configured to feature your logo and custom color combinations. Best of all, it’s durable, easy to maintain and comes with a full,  15-year warranty. With 19 colors to choose from, 7 hardwood grains, more than 10 styles, superior resistance to oils, solvents, salts and hot tires, Swisstrax offers exceptional customization and quality. Our 4 point injection molding process ensures maximum material distribution, edge to edge and corner to corner. Transform your space today. 
You’ll be floored.