2018 RFID Journal Live

Videx’s CyberBadge Reduces Litigation Concerns

Corvallis, Oregon – 4/1/2018

Clackamas County Jail faced difficulty in terms of tracking the whereabouts of inmates throughout the day. All data collection was done through pen and paper, causing lapses in time, forgotten information and piles of paperwork. Deputies were tasked in cataloging the inmate whereabouts, such as check-in, check-out, headcount, and which facilities they accessed throughout the day. They faced a legal challenge when inmates claimed they were not granted access to particular activities or accommodations. The lapses in time and incomplete information caused Clackamas County Jail to be liable for claims, as they could not provide sufficient evidence to the contrary.

In order to reduce litigation concerns, Clackamas County Jail implemented CyberBadge into their daily operations. Deputies carry a CyberBadge, which allows them to scan barcodes assigned to each inmate, as well as barcodes associated with a specific location or activity within the jail. Deputies scan their own barcode, then scan the inmate barcode, and then scan the barcode associated with their current location in the jail. When captured in the CyberBadge, the log will show that Inmate X was at Location Y, according to the scan made by Deputy Z. This data is collected and synced to the CyberBadge Web Server. Videx will be attending the AIM conference in April to showcase the CyberBadge. Visit booth #1327 for more information.