MGMA 2017 Annual Conference

Talksoft Connect appointment reminder app now integrates with Uber for a patient-friendly transportation option

Hamilton, NJ - May 17, 2017 -- Talksoft Connect, the first-on-the-market appointment reminder app, has now been updated to include a direct integration with Uber, the ridesharing service.

The new “Ride there with Uber” option appears on the patient’s appointment details screen. The easy-to-use uber button automatically launches the Uber app on the patient’s device, pre-fills the location information of the practice, calculates the cost of the ride, and provides the option to schedule a pick-up.

“Our service has always helped get patients to their appointments to receive the care they need, and to reduce no-show rates for the providers,” says Steve David, Chief Software Architect of RevSpring. “The Uber integration is an exciting next level of service we can offer to give the patient an easy transportation option to their appointment.”

Talksoft Connect’s latest version also features a new, easy-to-use interface, modern design, and optional features to Pay By Phone and Pay Online. The newest version is available for download on the App Store.

About Talksoft

Talksoft is a provider of messaging and patient engagement services. Talksoft began with phone appointment reminders in 1997 and has grown with new technology to now offer interactive, multimodal phone, text, email, and mobile app technology and a full suite of patient engagement services. Talksoft is a subsidiary of RevSpring, Inc., a leading healthcare communications, payment, and technology solutions provider. For more information, call 866-966-4700 or visit